How does death occur due to heat? Which part of the body dies first?

The entire North India is suffering from deadly heat at this time. Hundreds of people have died so far due to extreme heat and heat wave. Hospitals in Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Delhi and Bihar are filled with heat stroke patients. 371 people have died so far in different places in UP alone. Let us know how a person dies due to heat and heat wave. Along with this, we will also understand which part of the body is affected first by heat and heat wave.

200 bodies in Delhi, 400 in Prayagraj

You can guess how terrible the situation is due to heat from the bodies being brought to the crematoriums and cemeteries. According to the report of German news website DW, on June 19, more than 200 bodies were brought to different crematoriums and cemeteries in Delhi alone for cremation. Whereas, on June 18, more than 400 bodies were cremated in different crematoriums and cemeteries in Prayagraj.

How does heat cause death

Dr. Corey Slovis, Professor and Chairman of Emergency Medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, while talking to CNN said that when your body temperature starts increasing due to heat wave and extreme heat, it first affects your brain, heart and kidneys. This effect is so dangerous that your body parts stop working and you slowly die.

At the same time, Craig Crandall, Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, said that when the temperature inside the body increases, it affects your cells so badly that they stop working. In such a situation, the special organs of the body gradually start slowing down and eventually they also stop working. In this situation the person dies.

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